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Please report your match score

HL Season 6 Week 2 - koth_lakeside_final

Match Date
06/22/2020 09:30 PM EDT
Default Date
06/22/2020 09:30 PM EDT
Latest Reschedule Date
06/27/2020 01:00 AM EDT

Away 2.34

Match Comms


Last Comment:
WiLLmaTiC Admin
 06/18/2020 11:19 PM EDT
Welcome to RGL HL Season 6. The map played this week will be koth_lakeside_final. The config you will want to use for your match will be "exec rgl_hl_koth". For scrims, you can use "rgl_hl_koth_bo5", which sets the winlimit to 3. This match will be played in a best of seven, so the first team to win four rounds will win the match. If there are disputes between teams on starting sides(RED vs. BLU), then teams may opt-in to engage in a medic melee-only fight.

Please remember that every match server is required to have the Uber Saving medic plugin & the latest configs, it is both team's responsibility to make sure the server you play on has the latest configs and plugins in order to avoid issues. Serveme always has the latest configs and plugins.

Lastly, please make sure you inform the enemy team of all ringers (default ringing has been removed from Invite/Advanced) you plan to use either through match comms or in a direct message. Refer to the ringer sections here for more information.

Good luck and have fun this week, please let your division admin or moderator know if you have any questions!

Indigenous aLiEn (Moi) - Shooting Starz
 06/19/2020 12:35 PM EDT
Hello Speak Easy - looking forward to playing you all and to our match on Monday 930 est. Just wanted to reach out to you in case you are planning on using any ringers; we don't like last minute surprises. Here is our ringer team policy. Ringer Policy: The ringer can never have played any higher than RGL IM or UGC HL Silver at any time. Also, the account cannot appear as a possible alt, and we have the right to decline anyone we are not comfortable with, including very seasoned players with multiple seasons. That being said, please link me the proposed ringer.

Thus and in summary, if they've played higher than IM we will decline them. We will NOT need any ringers on our end and plan on only using our rostered players. Looking forward to it and let us know if you have any questions, comments, etc... Talk with yas soon!

Brook - Speakeasy
 06/22/2020 06:20 PM EDT
We will have a ringer for our main engie Zackalak. Our ringer is starman https://rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile.aspx?p=76561198030375684&r=24

Indigenous aLiEn (Moi) - Shooting Starz
 06/22/2020 06:56 PM EDT
Hi Jacklyn, thank you for providing the profile and approved as requested, no problem. Also it is my understanding you would like us to host (per your player Sadistic Dentist). If that is the case no problem. We have a NFO dedicated Dallas match server with all the right maps, RGL configs, STV, uber plug in, logs, .ss, and so on. I also pay a $10/month premium for a priority CPU on it.

Brook - Speakeasy
 06/22/2020 08:22 PM EDT
Sorry for such a late notice but our pyro had just told me he will not be able to make it. We will be ringing a pyro named Mikey https://rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile.aspx?p=76561198211780469 we are trying to get him as a sub as soon as possible

Indigenous aLiEn (Moi) Auto Generated - Shooting Starz
 06/22/2020 10:22 PM EDT
Match score submitted.
Final score
Speakeasy: 0.66
Shooting Starz: 2.34

Map Results
Speakeasy: 2
Shooting Starz: 4