
(eX.) eXtremists. (4 - 3)

Previous Active Roster
As of 3/26/2019

Valid Size: 0/13

Team Size: 13/12

Status: Ready

  Name Joined
wickEd_ 1/20/2019
Mankind 1/20/2019
hondjo 1/24/2019
MattJ 1/22/2019
FTH (master assassin) 1/22/2019
poy 1/24/2019
Five baz 1/20/2019
canlock 1/22/2019
TBourdon 1/22/2019
solo 2/2/2019
coca 3/5/2019
Ja 1/24/2019
FTH (master assassin) 7/3/2019

Past Roster

  Name Joined Left
vocey 1/26/2019 2/2/2019
Turmoil 1/26/2019 2/18/2019
Lerec 2/18/2019 3/5/2019

Team Penalties

Team has no penalties

Past Seasons

Team does not have past seasons

TeamId: 3462